Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Action Coaching Checklist -- The Gates

Last night I was on the inaugural call of the Action Coaching Club. I found that it felt more focused than the previous Ignition trainings. The PDF guidebook is a great resource. It would be even better if it were available in word (rich-text-format) and html (hyperlinked between sections). While the content is excellent, I found it difficult to find where I need to start because it is not in chronological order rather in a recursive-top-down organization. So, I may type some of it as I progress to figure out where I am.

The Gates:
* The Market is Viable
* You are able to reach people and bring them to your website
* People who visit your website join your list
* People on your list are buying products and services
* Customers buy more products, more expensive products, more often
* Others market and sell your products
* Everything is automated, scalable

I mentioned on the call that I'm developing an educational software product. Until the product is ready, I do not have something concrete to sell without spending time that will divert me from getting the product to market. We will explore together whether the above Gates can apply in such a situation.

1 comment:

  1. I am interested in your story. Please keep posting! I am an instructional designer who would like to do something similar someday.
